Kink Youth
Howdy folks!
Snowdrops and daffodils are showing their faces, the little lambs bleat and cry, and hints of green are bursting to life amongst the trees. Which means we at the KY farming council have decided it is time to have a county fair!
So bring your produce and your livestock to enjoy an evening of bucolic bliss at our beautiful association. We will supply some delicious cider, rough n rural games, and of course a tombola raffle. We hope you will dress up in your most inspired country-wear. Think cowboy, sexy-bo-peep, denim overalls or just a cute spring dress with little left to imagine. And of course, we hope to see many hu-cows, sheeple, farm cats, and whatever other animals you would love to come as!
This event will be a guest night, so if they are between 18 and 35 please bring a friend along, subject to Smil’s normal guest rules!
We look forward to seeing you all there!
Your Kink Youth Horny Farming Committee